We’ve all seen them. Fake smiles, no smiles, shy smiles from kiddos among us who would rather be anywhere than having their photos taken. I can’t say I blame them. I remember that stage of my life all too well. But I have come to realize that you don’t have to settle for frozen faces or smiles that are less than ideal. True and genuine laughs and giggles can become a part of your family session!
I have three tips for getting those shy or even wild kiddos to pop a grin at your next family photo session. It’s possible. 😉
Don’t smile (works every time)!
One of the hardest things is not doing something someone told you not to do. If a sign says “Wet paint” you better believe the small child in me is going to stick out a finger just to see if it’s really wet. The same is true for your photos. If you do the chicken dance in front of your toddlers, begging and pleading for them to smile, chances are, they won’t. It’s human nature. But if you tell them NOT to smile, that’s where the magic happens. I see it so often. “Smile, honey!” And the kid gives a less than flattering upward motion with his lips. Change around the command in a playful tone, and the kid will think it’s hilarious and be grinning in no time.

Out for A Stroll
When a family steps out of the car for their shoot, they need a couple of minutes to warm up — especially the shy kiddos. I love to do a walking pose, placing Mom and Dad on each end and having the kids hold hands together as they walk toward the camera. It is a fantastic way to warm up the kids, and they feel more comfortable sandwiched between Mom and Dad. I love to do this pose 2-3 times, and by the second round, the kids are loving it and showing genuine smiles. It’s the best thing.

Let there be giggles!
I’ve done it too. It’s the stress of trying to capture a picture of “us loving each other” while we’re trying so hard not to yell at each other. But patience is so key. It can be easy to feel rushed or stressed, but slowing down to let your kids just be silly can be one of the easiest ways to get genuine reactions. Just recently I took my three very energetic siblings out for an evening shoot. I was trying to instruct and walk them through laying on their bellies next to each other for a photo. I ended up using a descriptive word that they found absolutely hilarious. They burst into fits of laughter, and I knew that was the key word to get them started. The result was amazing.

I hope these tips were helpful and give you confidence for your next family session.